It may not sound exciting, but if you think that one of those 7 people is going to be the next US president it actually was. One thing about it that was really cool is that I hired my of one old college buddies (from Junior college mind you) to be my head electrician. Below is a picture of Vince hard at it.
The event was televised, and web cast so it was mainly about TV style lighting. I've become much better at it, but I still need to develop in that area. considering I've had no training other than trial and error I think I'm doing pretty good. The venue was the Cox Pavilion adjacent to The Thomas, and Mack Arena on the UNLV campus. Below is the rig starting to come together.
We had a really tight load in as there was only one day for install, focus, and rehearsal. The morning went well. I'd flown in the day before, so I was well rested, and ready for what ever might pop up. We used union labor for most of our installers. That's IATSE Local 720, but the venue provided the riggers, and they where not very good, and as such the install didn't go as rapidly as I'd have liked. Actually all the departments, lighting, video, audio, and scenic where behind so at least I wasn't holding anyone else up. Below the rig is finally up off the ground.
We ended our day at 11:30pm which was at least an hour, and a half later than hoped, and I hadn't really accomplished much as far as programming goes, but the rig was up, focused, and ready for the show. Below is what it looked like when it was too late to think anymore.
I got to the venue extra early, like 7am, to finish up some programming, because I just wasn't satisfied with where I had left it, and the press was being let in at 8:30am. I had noticed a small dark spot downstage center, and there wasn't anything I could do about it, as the light hitting that area was directly over a seating area that had already been occupied by some early press arrivals. I told myself it would be fine, but I should have forced the point, and made them move to get the scissor lift out as Hillary Clinton decided to park herself squarely in that dark spot. Lesson learned.
John Edwards, there where more people taking pictures of his wife than him.
I have more pictures, but they all start to look the same, just different candidates. It was an interesting event to be apart of. There was definitely an air of excitement from everyone involved. I like doing gigs like this. Thye have much more meaning than just making a party look good. Later that evening instead of partying it up with my old college chum, I'm old, I crashed out in my hotel room, and I watched the event on the local news. It looked pretty damn good I thought.