Monday, February 12, 2007

Grammy awards - what where they thinking?

I watched the Grammy Awards last night. What where they thinking? I like watching award shows as they are usually have big production, and the latest in new production technology. The Grammy awards are usually the grand dame of awards shows. Big lighting and video rigs to match all the big name entertainment. But this year to put it plainly sucked. How the producers managed to make every song sound the same is amazing. The lighting was awful. Every act looked exactly the same. Keyed from a follow spot front light, and lots of bluish white back light, boring. The producers even managed to make Gnarls Barkley boring. They took a great dance song, and removed the dance part, why? How about that country tribute or was it an Eagles tribute? If I didn't know that was Rascal Flats, or Carrie Underwood, and just listened to it then I would assume it was a party band covering the Eagles. Boring! I am so disappointed. I like to watch the show and see the new toys which is mostly video elements, and see where the production industry is going, but if this is our direction it looks like I'm in for a really boring career.


Anonymous said...

Boring? How can you can Justin Timberlake giving us nose hair shots with a handheld boring? It was true art of the people! And now the Grammys seem to be merging with American Idol.

Yup, the whole thing reeked of trash to me. I should probably check the ratings, but my guess is, everyone but us loved it.

Mick-e said...

I have a funny to add to this.
Yesterday I was in a production meeting for an event here in SF. There was a guy from the video dept, and the Grammy's came up. I of course expressed my opinion on how boring I thought the show was. He looks right at me, and says thanks a lot. Apparently he did the video screens that where on stage. oops. Oh well maybe he shouldn't do a boring show.